Recently, our ladies' Bible class studied a book called Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. It is inspired by the movie War Room. In it, Shirer encourages Christians to pray like warriors, similarly to the women portrayed in the movie. She talks about cleaning out a closet or another private space, in order to post prayers and to pray them with intention. My words pale in comparison to hers, so please read her book to get the full effect. You may be inspired, as I was, to begin actually praying in a closet, writing down your requests to God, and praying more fervently than you ever have before. I have seen real changes, a few drastic ones, in my life since I began this journey. God is so good and so diligent to take care of his children. And He listens.
I decided to begin taking all of my worries to the closet, but up until today, they have been mostly selfish ones. It all applied to me and issues that affect me directly. Not anymore. Today, I read yet another post on social media about a women being stalked in a drug store by three men who had a van waiting outside. This woman escaped, but her post instilled fear into many, as apparent by the comments. Myself included. Yes, it scared me. I found myself agonizing over what I would do if I found myself in the same situation. Would I be in shock? Would I be in denial? Would I have the courage to speak up and say something to someone else? Would I be oblivious to what was going on and walk right into their trap?
What if it was my child?
And then, after finding a few new gray hairs, my thoughts turned to all of the victims who are currently enslaved by human trafficking. My selfish worry was accomplishing NOTHING. For them.
There's a reason that God tells us to cast our cares upon Him. There's a reason that He tells us to pray without ceasing. He is listening. I heard someone say once that prayer is not the least you can do for someone. It is the MOST you can do. It is time we did the most we possibly can for our modern-day slaves who deserve so much more. Please join me. You might not post it in your closet, but you can still speak it. You can still approach the throne of grace with your request for the slavery to end.
Knock and the door shall be opened.
Seek and ye shall find.
Let us pray.
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