I got married at 19. I wouldn't recommend it. I'll explain why.
After sixteen years with this guy I married, I have come to a conclusion. There can be no other explanation for what I have experienced, so I am convinced that my conclusion is justified. I have a clear vision in my mind that has formulated over the years, and it is imprinted so firmly, branded with fire into my very being. In other words, trying to convince me that I am wrong would be futile. Don't waste your time.
So here is my conclusion, my vision, and why I do not recommend marriage at 19:
I was in the hospital, just a few hours old, perhaps only minutes. I had been taken to the nursery, and my parents weren't there. There was, however, a person. I believe an adult, whether male or female I'm not sure. It could have been a nurse, or a family member, or a total stranger. I don't know who he or she was; I only know what they did. This person, with eyes closed, stood over me and spoke a blessing. They could have worded it in many ways, but I always hear it in the way of asking God to let my life be a fairy tale, complete with Prince Charming.
Wait. No.
Prince Charming will never do. He is much more than that. He dotes on me more than my father ever did or would. He's the brother I never had. My therapist and life coach, better company than my closest girlfriend. He needs me like a child and waits on my like a slave. He is my most infinite desire. This tenderest, this most sensitive, this most romantic, precious man is so much more than Prince Charming. And therefore, I am led only to believe that my vision must have been reality, and God answered the prayer of blessing prayed over my tiny form with the most merciful and gracious and resounding YES that was ever spoken. I am also led to believe something else:
This. Couldn't. Happen. Again. Not just "not in a lifetime." No. In all of eternity, there is no chance this could happen again. Forget it. The laws of probability absolutely deny the possibility that this could ever occur a second time. In the entire universe, from creation to judgment, there is no way our relationship could ever be replicated. So don't do it. No matter how much you love someone at 19, there is no way you can have what we have here. Why even try? Just don't.
Instead of listening to me, you could listen to God. For example, if you did, you would know that Hebrews 13:4 says "Marriage is honorable in all." You would easily know that God thinks "It's not good for man to be alone." [Gen. 2:18] You also might have heard that those who get married "are no longer two, but one flesh." [Matthew 19:6]
You could do that. But why? When you've got a person telling you not to? A living, breathing, person sitting at a computer, telling you to not get married. It's totally legitimate; it's on the internet, after all. So I'll leave it up to you. Listen to who you will, but know this: No one. Not your mama. Not your grandpa. Not your neighbor. Not your preacher. Not even your spouse. No one, will have to live with the effects YOUR choices have on YOUR life, except for YOU. These are your choices, your potential mistakes, your successes, and your failures. And those are all too precious to let anyone else make them for you.
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